us metal
Albums scraped2021-12-12T16:38:02.718Z
Last updated2021-12-13T10:41:43.511Z
Released at
82Savatage - Sirens1983-11-01
27Slauter Xstroyes - Winter Kill1985-05-22
40Abattoir - Vicious Attack1985-07-07
53Abattoir - The Only Safe Place1986-08-12
15Villain - Only Time Will Tell1986
48Grudge - Barbarians Of The New Earth1986
95Dream Death - Journey Into Mystery1987-10-16
93Commander - The High'n Mighty1987
59Liege Lord - Master Control1988-08-01
17Attacker - The Second Coming1988
4Fifth Angel - Time Will Tell1989
76Phantom Blue - Phantom Blue1989
71Torture - Storm Alert1990-09
63Axiom - Vicious Circle1990
81Cirith Ungol - Paradise Lost1991-08-23
38Dementia - Recuperate from Reality1991
73Funeral Nation - After The Battle1991
85Imprecation - Ceremony Of The Nine Angles1992
51Absu - Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L.1993-03
55Mythic - Mourning in the Winter Solstice1993
87Krankenstein - Krankenstein1993
90Kronin - How Do You Start This Thing?1993
67Absu - Barathrum V.I.T.R.I.O.L1994
97Savage Grace - Master Of Disguise1995
92Agressor - Say Your Prayers1996
80Thorns of the Carrion - The Scarlet Tapestry1997-06-28
44oil - Oil EP1997
16Angelcorpse - The Inexorable1999-09-06
94Garden of Shadows - Oracle Moon2000-09-19
64Manowar - The Dawn of Battle2002-11-18
26Ludicra - Hollow Psalms2002
52Kraze - Devil in Disguise2002
84Queensrÿche - Revolution Calling2003-06-10
39Attacker - Soul Taker2004-01-26
7Brocas Helm - Defender of the Crown2004-07-04
18Megadeth - Rust In Peace (Remastered)2004-07-24
30Steel Prophet - Beware / Us Version Include Bonus Cd "eyes Of The Prophet (visions Past)"2004
13Cellador - Leaving All Behind2005-05-15
69Benedictum - Uncreation2006-01-27
14Abigail Williams - Legend2006-10-03
56Disarray - Edge of My Demise2007
60King Hell - King Hell2007
6Dystopia - Dystopia2008-02-10
19I'm in a Coffin - One Final Action2008-10-01
22Jacobs Dream - Beneath the Shadows2009
89Son of Aurelius - The Farthest Reaches2010-04-13
3Dispirit - Rehearsal At Oboroten2010-07-02
20Apocalypse Command - Damnation Scythes Of Invincible Abomination2011-06-02
74Disma - Towards the Megalith2011-07-19
100Monolith - field of stone2011-09-00
78War Master - Pyramid of the Necropolis2011-12-14
72Seaskeleton - Seaskeleton2011
47Yith - Demo 22012-01-27
32Infiltrator - Demo2012-05-26
10Manowar - The Lord Of Steel - Hammer Edition2012-06-26
86Thanatotic Desire - Silence to Violence2012-12-27
79Seax - High On Metal2012
96Infiltrator - Infiltrator2013-04-02
2Soul Remnants - Black and Blood2013-10-31
29Ævangelist - Omen Ex Simulacra2013-11-29
88Krystos - Lolth Domain2013
49Invertia - Another Scheme of the Wicked2014-04-08
57Seax - To The Grave2014-12-16
36Perdition Temple - Sovereign of the Desolate2014-12-19
5Akhlys - The Dreaming I2015-04-20
9Pissgrave - Suicide Euphoria2015-08-04
65Ecferus - Pangaea2016-02-05
46Eichenwald - Eichenwald2016-03-27
31Ustalost - The Spoor of Vipers2016-04-05
68Seax - Speed Metal Mania2016-09-00
37VRTRA - My Bones Hold A Stillness2016-09-02
43Death Fetishist - Clandestine Sacrament2016-10-28
61Cauldron Burial - Orgia Nocturna2016
41Draghkar - World Unraveled2017-02-03
35Morfin - Consumed by Evil2017-05-05
45Weregoat - Pestilential Rites of Infernal Fornication2017-05-05
24Witches Moon - A Swing of Sickle to Summers Dawn2017-08-03
34Antichrist Siege Machine - Morbid Triumph2017-08-25
62ironflame - Lightning Strikes the Crown2017-09-00
83Savage Master - Creature of the Flames2017-10-13
91Leathürbitch - Leathürbitch2018-03-25
28Antichrist Siege Machine - Promo MMXVIII2018-07-19
23Draghkar - The Endless Howling Abyss2018-07-27
77Cosmic Void Ritual - Grotesque Infections of Planetary Divide2018-09-20
42Horrendous - Idol2018-09-28
11Windhand - Eternal Return2018-10-05
98Uruk - Nihilistic Warfare in Inhuman Realms2018-10-09
66ironflame - Tales of Splendor and Sorrow2018-10-12
58Krukh - Безглуздість!2018-10-26
50Witch - Salem's Rise2018-10-31
25Hulder - Ascending the Raven Stone2018
1Judiciary - Surface Noise2019-01-25
99Trouble - Demo 19802019-02-11
12Devil Master - Satan Spits on Children of Light2019-03-01
70Vimur - Triumphant Master of Fates2019-03-01
21Akasha - Canticles Of The Sepulchral Deity2019-03-15
54Bat - Axestasy2019-04-26
8Antichrist Siege Machine - Schism Perpetration2019-08-26
33Lamp Of Murmuur - The Burning Spears of Crimson Agony2020-07-05
75Evol - Experiment in Fear2021-10-26